Dear Education Support workers at Calgary Board of Education:


When you join CUPE you have:

  • The power to win annual wage increases, benefits, and job security
  • Fair and transparent job posting and hiring processes
  • Democracy: where the members make the decisions and determine the direction that is best
  • A voice when negotiating your collective agreement
  • A process to address problems at work, and the power of a union to win solutions
  • A supportive team behind you at every step

CUPE represents thousands of education support workers in Alberta.

At the Calgary Board of Education all non-union workers can sign their support to switch to CUPE. This includes Educational Assistants, secretaries, administrative staff, learning commons/library staff, cafeteria workers, lunchroom supervisors and professional support staff (i.e., therapists).

Your colleagues at the Calgary Board of Education who work in Facility & Environmental Services are already CUPE members and belong to Local 40.

A union is YOU and your CO-WORKERS coming together to improve your working conditions. Together with your co-workers you will have the ability to decide what aspects of your job need to change for the better.